I was adjusting my training plan this morning due to the gap occured last week after my cold. I tried to make a guess about my 800 m repeat pace and the hill workout pace. I made an estimate as I always do: this is my pace, I usually run around 5 min/km as a top speed, recovery around 5:40.
Then I checked in the Daniels table to see how I progressed based on my last 15 km. I was very surprised to see that I silently crossed a very big red line withouth niticibg. Based on what I am capable on a long run I should be running my speed workouts even faster. What is the saying? Runners usually do their fast runs too slow and their slow runs too fast. How true is that?
Now I am re-visiting my paces in all events planned to reflect the actual target I should be focusing on if I want do develop.
As it is a big shock that now my target is:
- 4:30 pace on 5 km
- 4:45 pace on 10 km
And I can actually target a slighly outside 5 minute pace for next week's 22 km long run.
Me, a very happy runner.